Sound Start Babies Board of Trustees
Sound Start Babies is dedicated to providing exceptional comprehensive early intervention services to infants and toddlers with hearing loss. We are fortunate to have a passionate and talented Board of Trustees who provide oversight of the program, maintain fiduciary responsibility, and serve as active advocates and ambassadors for Sound Start Babies.

Alex Mitchell
Alex joined the Board of Sound Start Foundation in 2022 and is proud to serve as President of the newly reunited Board of Trustees of Sound Start Babies. Alex received his BA from Hobart and William Smith and his MBA from Columbia Business School. He is an experienced banking executive, having spent more than 20 years at Brown Brothers Harriman, most recently at Vice President, Head of Endowments and Foundation Lending. Alex and his family live in Mountain Lakes and have a long history of involvement with Sound Start Babies.

Rita Mozer
Vice President
Rita is a semi-retired CPA who currently serves Vice President of the Board. After graduating from Seton Hall University with a degree in Accounting she worked in Public Accounting for approximately 3 years after which she moved into private industry. She held positions in Corporate Accounting, Treasury and Human Resources before leaving industry. During tax seasons she works with a tax practice in Union, NJ. She has held volunteer positions with her Church Finance Committee, children’s Home School Association and working with the local food pantry and soup kitchen.

Daniel Borgo

Lindsay Boitel
Lindsay, Sound Start Babies Board Secretary is a Financial Advisor. Lindsay graduated from The College of New Jersey with a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education and English. After teaching seventh grade for two years, Lindsay moved into her role as a financial advisor, where she loves helping people. Her teaching background has fueled her commitment to working with children and being involved in the community.

Laura S. McKirdy, Ph.D.
President Emeritus
Dr. McKirdy is a speech, language pathologist, developmental psychologist and the founder of the Sound Start Babies Program and the Sound Start Babies Foundation. Laura established the first public school age program for children with hearing loss at Lake Drive School where for over three decades she developed and directed innovative educational programming for children with hearing loss. She has over 50 years of administrative experience and work with children with hearing loss and their families. Laura’s advocacy efforts for early identification and intervention have been numerous and successful on both the state and national level.

Stephanie Deyo
President Emeritus

Yana Garger, MD

Jack Gentul, Ph.D.

Jessica Griffin
President Emeritus

Richard Kalfayan

Thomas Olson
Tom, attorney at law, specializes in eminent domain and real property tax matters representing individuals, businesses, and municipalities. His expertise has earned him the honor of being acknowledged as a New Jersey Super Lawyer and a Best Lawyer. Tom has been a supporter of the Sound Start Babies Program for many years and is a thoughtful caring member of his community and a dedicated father and grandfather.

Ann Ryan
Ann served for several years as a grant writer for the Sound Start Babies Foundation and now serves on the reunited Sound Start Babies Board. Ann has a long history of not-for-profit Board participation including Oratory Preparatory School, Mount Saint Mary Academy, the Amanda Rose Laura Foundation and Impact 100 Garden State. She is a former healthcare bond analyst having worked for many years in the financial services industry. Ann holds an MBA degree from Baruch College of the City University of New York, and an undergraduate degree from NYU.

Marjorie Solomon
Marge is a Learning Disabilities Teacher/Consultant and Teacher of the Deaf, who has almost four decades of experience with Deaf and Hearing-Impaired students from Early Childhood to High School. Marge continues to serve students with Learning Disabilities at Fairleigh Dickenson University, some of whom have a mild to moderate hearing loss. She was one of the first Early Intervention Coordinators for the Mountain Lakes Early Intervention Program, now known as Sound Start Babies Program. Marge continues to be committed to exceptional intervention services for students with hearing loss, no matter their age.

Kaitlin Stahl, LSLS Cert. AVEd.
Kate is a teacher of the deaf and Listening and Spoken Language Specialist (LSLS AVEd.) Kate was a part of the Sound Start Babies Program for almost a decade, during which time she taught toddlers in the Sound Start Babies Nursery and provided home-based services for families and their children with hearing loss (birth to three). Kate additionally oversaw Sound Start Babies Program’s grant funded teleintervention model, the first in the state of New Jersey. Kate is the co-owner and Director at her family's childcare center which has been in operation for over two decades. She is excited to still be involved in the program by being a member the Board.

Jonathan Weizman

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