Early intervention sessions are designed to guide you and your family in achieving the goals you determined in your Individual Family Service Plan. Our team of specialists including teachers of the deaf, speech language pathologists, pediatric audiologist, occupational and physical therapists all have experience in formulating and demonstrating strategies that you can incorporate into your regular daily routines to take advantage of your child’s strengths and meet your child’s unique needs. The team will answer your questions and provide information, specific to your family and child. Should you need foreign language interpretation to take full advantage of these services, language interpretation services are also available.
Our Sound Start Babies team is prepared and able to discuss the various research validated options available to support the growth of language, speech, and communication for your baby. Our team can discuss which options can help meet your communication goals and discuss the merits of each considering your child’s degree of hearing loss, your family’s preferences, and needs. Since Sound Start Babies has staff members with expertise in a variety of communication modes, we are prepared to work with you to achieve your goals, and to have the flexibility to adapt if change is needed.
Teleintervention has proven to be a useful research validated service delivery model, allowing consistent services when practical concerns, (e.g. distance, illness, weather, ability to include extended family members) preclude in person services. Zoom, a HIPPA compliant confidential resource is our primary means of providing teleintervention services. If a family needs assistance accessing the required technology for teleintervention, our program can provide alternatives and/or loaner equipment.
An early intervention program specialized in providing comprehensive services for infants and toddlers with hearing loss and their families is best positioned to respond to advances in technology and implement research supported intervention. Sound Start Babies is a NJ recognized provider of specialized evaluations, assessments, and services. Our team meets the rigorous standards of the Joint Committee on Infant Hearing.
We are here to help! Give us a call at 973-397-0009 or email us at info@soundstartbabies.org. We are available to answer your questions, review reports and assist you with any next steps, including how to get started in early intervention.
Yes! These early years are a crucial time for establishing language, speech, and communication. Regardless of the degree of hearing loss, individualized early intervention, from a team specialized in working with children with hearing loss and their families, will help you optimize this important time period.